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小学英语面试-《Unit 4 My home》试讲稿

http://www.hteacher.net 2019-12-31 15:57 中国教师资格网 [您的教师考试网]


Step1 Lead-in

Good morning boys and girls!

Do you want to play a guessing game with me?

I will do some actions, and you watch carefully, then tell me what I am doing. Get it? Good!

First one,(教师做看电视的动作)what am I doing? Yes, I am watching TV.

Second one, (教师做读书状)what am I doing? Wonderful, I am reading a book.

Third one, (教师做洗澡的样子)what am I doing? Yes, I am taking a shower.

Next one…

You are answering faster and faster! Well done! Now I have a question for you, think about this: where can I do these actions? Where can I watch TV? Where I can read a book? Where can I take a shower?

Excellent! I can do all of these at home!

Step2 Presentation and Practice

Here is a picture of my home! Do you want to check it out? Let’s look at the screen.

Wow, there are so many rooms! What are they?

Let’s have a close look! (展示起居室图片,教师手指大屏幕)I can watch TV at this room. What is this room? It is living room. (板书单词)

Everybody, living room! It is a living room! (反复领读,词句结合)

(展示study图片,教师手指大屏幕)What about this one? What can I do in this room? Yes, I can read a book here. So it is a study.

Everybody, study! It is a study! (趣味读的方式,多带读)

(展示厨房图片,教师手指大屏幕)you must know this place! I can cook here. What is this room? Perfect!It is a kitchen! (趣味读的方式,多带读)

Now, let’s play a game called what’s missing! You remember this game? Good, let’s start! Everyone close your eyes! (教师快速盖住板书上的一个单词)Now, open your eyes, what’s missing? (此处反复几轮)

Now let’s listen to the type, and try to find Amy. Finished. Where is Amy? Is she in the kitchen? No, she isn’t. Is she in the living room? Who is in the living room? Good, Amy’s parents are in the living room! Is Amy in the study? Yes, she is.

This time, I will invite some students to play a game with me! Who wants to try? Yes, you please. Here is a picture of Wu yifan’s home. Your job is to find him., but you can’t see the picture, you need to ask your classmates. Let’s find Wu yifan.

Where is Wu yifan?

S: Is he in the study? Others: No, he isn’t.

Step4 Consolidation

Let’s do:

Let’s listen to the tape, you need to response as fast as you can. When it says go the study, you need to do the read-a-book action. You get it? Let’s start!

Now, I can see all of you know what you can do in different rooms. Play this game with your partner. One gives orders, the other do the actions.


Now I want to look at our book, and listen carefully, you could read after the tape. After that, you will role-play this conversation. One will be Amy’s father, the other will be Amy’s mother. You will have 5 mins to practice.

Time’s up. Any volunteers to show their play? You two please!

What about their performance? Beautiful!

Step4 Summary

It is almost the end of our class. What have we learned today? Yes, we have learned some rooms in home such as living room, study, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. What else? What sentences did we learned? When we want to someone’s place, we can ask: where is …? Is she/he in the …?

What do you think of home? Home is the most beautiful place in the world because our family are living in it. Be good at home, read more books, and help with your parents.

Step5 Homework

Take a good look at your home and draw a picture of your home. We will share the rooms in your home next time, and what you can do in these rooms.






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